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NEWSLETTER #6, 2/2022

A Word from our Head of Department

More space - more possibilities

The lab space in cluster 1 of the Cassiopeia building is now ready – well almost, as there are still a few dangling wires that you should be careful not to touch. We have built the lab space without being really precise about how to use it.

First and foremost, it is a research lab for researchers doing research. I have asked the professors how they envisage research activities in the lab, and we will shortly walk the space to try to create visions of valuable usage. I also encourage the research groups to meet there and talk about what they could use the space for. From this, we will create a joint departmental vision for the space, and I am confident that we will benefit hugely from the lab and from the opportunity to join forces across the research groups.

When you walk the space, notice that to the left, when entering from the auditorium, there will be a room reserved for demonstrators that we can show to visitors, and across from the demo room, there is a lounge area for hanging out or for greeting visitors. In the other end, close to cluster 2, there is a meeting room. Towards the courtyard, there is one large room which we intend to use as office space for our technical staff – we do not yet know-how. We are open to all good ideas.

The lab space and its research activities will be governed by the Lab Triumvirate consisting of Brian Nielsen, Kristian Torp, and myself. The Triumvirate overlooks lab activities and prioritises lab space when need be. That is how we intend to bootstrap, and we will later explain how we call for lab activities.

Advancing university pedagogy
I should also mention a recent development at Danish universities. The universities have agreed on a new framework for advancing university pedagogy. A somewhat detailed document, Danish framework for advancing university pedagogy, stipulates what is meant by this. I quote the purpose from the document:

“This framework has been created as both an inspiration and out of necessity. As an inspiration, it attempts to set out broad benchmarks for the Danish universities' work of ensuring better learning outcomes through teaching and thesis supervision, which - both in form as in content - stimulate and engage students. It serves the need for a tool as a national basis for the recognition and advancement of university pedagogy within the major academic career stages.”

I have first asked the professors how we should operationalise this in the department. That will be on their agenda shortly. Based on this, it will also be discussed in several fora, specifically the department council, the collaboration committee, and at a department meeting.


Supervisor Mentoring Program to Increase Quality of First-Time Supervision

A mentoring program has been launched to assist first-time supervisors among the scientific staff. The program comes on top of the existing PBL seminar (Problem Based Learning) and is organized in three tracks depending on previous experience:

Track A - Follow along with an experienced supervisor

  • New Ph.D. with no teaching experience at AAU/PBL and new Postdocs with no teaching experience

Track B - Sparring and feedback during first supervision

  • New Associate Professors and Assistant Professors and Postdocs with teaching experience

Track C - Follow local PBL seminars only

  • New local Ph.D. and others with PBL experience

Participation in the mentoring program is mandatory for all new scientific staff and runs for a semester.

Check out the details in this Supervisor Mentoring presentation. You are also welcome to contact Deputy Head of Studies Ulrik Nyman for more information ( / 4089 2156).


Moving to another country to work is in many ways a great experience, but may also pose a number of challenges of both a practical and social nature. AAU's International Staff Unit (ISU) provides guidance to all things practical like accommodation, work permit, taxes, etc., but it also has a range of activities to help international staff establish good, social relations during their stay in Denmark.

Accompanying spouses will often have a particular challenge since they are not part of the daily social life at the workplace, and to meet this challenge, ISU has established the spouse network AAU+1.   

So, don't forget to check out the AAU+1 website where you will find information about Facebook groups and coffee meetings for spouses, career counseling, Danish culture training, etc.  

Also, check out the ISU events page for upcoming events for internationals, and now you are at it, why not sign up for the ISU monthly newsletter to keep up with information about new relevant legislation, suggested events and activities, and more?  

Waste Management: We can do better!

Did you wonder what to do with the cardboard waste last time you unpacked something here at CS? And if so, did you conclude that it belonged in one of the printer rooms? If you did, here is information for you:

Cardboard waste should be dumped in a container in the garage located next to the car park...

...and you are the one to dump it there! And please don't forget to fold the cardboard before dumping it; otherwise, the containers will be filled in no time. 

Let us help each other improve on waste management here at CS by observing the following rules (quoting from the CS Handbook): 

  • Use the garbage and recycling bins located in the corridors and kitchens.
  • Use the bins in the printer rooms for paper waste.
  • Dispose of cardboard waste in the containers in the garage next to the car park. Do not forget to fold the cardboard before dumping it! 
  • Always sort your garbage before dumping it.
  • Larger items, renewables, and hazardous waste (for instance cardboard boxes, bottles/cans, and batteries) are to be placed in the containers in the garage next to the car park. This type of waste is not managed by the service personnel - you need to take care of this yourself.



Don't forget to check out the CS news on the website...

...and on our SoMe channels...

...where you are more than welcome to hit the Follow button, like content, share content, etc. 


The CS website also features a Vacancies section

currently including the posting for a new Head of Department 

Stay Clear of the Plusbus Work Areas!

Due to the work on the bus-only lane for the new BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) service Plusbus on the AAU campus, work areas have been established in the area around Bertil Ohlins Vej. These areas are no-go zones for anyone not involved in the construction work!

So, for your own personal safety, stay clear of the work zones marked in red on the map above and keep to the areas marked in green!

Not new, but still worth remembering that...

...we actually have an intranet loaded with useful information. The CS Handbook link on the intranet front page is your main entry to all the good stuff like “Travel booking and expense claims”, “Print and copy at AAU” and “Research registry” – and it is all listed alphabetically!

In case you have looked unsuccessfully for information that you would expect to find on the intranet, please shoot off a mail to Stig ( 

That's a wrap on this edition of CS Connect! Thanks for reading. We appreciate feedback and inputs - so please, tell us what you want to read more of... and less of.
Email your tips and feedback to CS Communication

Department of Computer Science

Aalborg University

Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300 9220 Aalborg East

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