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Welcome to the first issue of CS Connect
Dear colleague
This is the Department of Computer Science's new newsletter. We call it CS Connect.
We are launching this initiative to accommodate the wish for more news and better opportunities to share them across the department. The ambition is for the newsletter to be a culture-bearing platform for all employees to read and contribute to. In other words: a platform that helps create greater coherence across the department. We feel this is needed, especially at a time when everyone is working from home without physical contact with each other.
The newsletter will be edited by our communication unit who will strive to provide you with relevant and interesting content. There will be content from the management focusing on our current state of affairs and directions ahead. But we would like to see contributions from all employees. To strengthen knowledge sharing, we hope that researchers, research groups and the administration, will contribute with insights into their work. This could be new findings, new collaborations, experienced with online teaching etc. all contributing to the ongoing strengthening and building of shared knowledge about our department. We are brilliant researchers, teachers and administrators, and there is no doubt we can learn a lot from each other.
For this to work, it is essential that we create joint ownership and see and treat the department newsletter as a shared medium. Everyone has the opportunity to provide input, and we hope you will soon get in contact with the editorial team to do so - they are waiting for you!
I hope you will enjoy this first issue, and I look forward to see the development of this new platform.
Jesper Kjeldskov
Head of Department
Local initiatives to boost PLB practices among students and staff
PBL workshops for students and start-up programmes for new project supervisors. These are just two of the new initiatives launched to boost the Aalborg Model within CS.
New interdisciplinary team to spark AI-ML research and coorperation
A new team focusing on artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI-ML) brings together researchers from all research groups at CS.
New load balancing system for managing hours
A new load balancing system for managing hours will be implemented at CS in the coming months. The system entitled CS Hours will replace the current system, which consisted of a number of excel sheets published on the Intranet.
The new system aims to make it easier for staff to get an overview of the hours delivered and submit comments and corrections. It s currently being developed by a Master' degree student in software.
When the system is launched, it will start off with the "bank book" status calculated up to and including Spring 2020 for all staff. The first semester to be settled in the system is Fall 2020.
Project guidelines on the intranet
Budget, overhead and reporting. These are just some of the things that need to be taken into account when applying for and administrating external funding obtained through projects.
The project finance team has drawn up a few guidelines to help ensure the best possible completion of each task.
Increased testing and use of the Covid-19 contact tracing app will impact significantly on infection rates
Research from DEIS shows that increased testing and use of the contact tracing app can help break the chain of infection.
HCI-researchers receive best paper award
In collaboration with colleagues from AU and ITU, Assistant Professor Nicolai Brodersen Hansen receives the Best Paper Award at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Report from INFINIT: Joint development of research in digital technologies
How do researchers, industry and other actors secure further development of research in digital technologies? A final report from INFINIT presents outcomes and recommendations based on ten years of experience.
11 CS groups to join AAU Megaprojects
The AAU Megaprojects initiative was launched in the autumn semester of 2019 to provide an opportunity for AAU students to work on interdisciplinary semester projects through collaboration with project groups from other educational programmes, departments and faculties at AAU.
ll projects are based on societal problems and are relevant to at least one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Participation from CS has been very limited until this semester, where a total of 11 project groups from the master’s programmes of IxD, iDA and SW are participating.
AAU Play
In 2020, Aalborg University launched AAU Play - a video platform where high school teachers can find inspiration for teaching activities and watch short lectures with researchers. So far Hans Hüttel and Rikke Hagensby Jensen have contributed.
Watch the videos:
► Computer programmes with Hans Hüttel
► Sustainable design and technology with Rikke Hagensby Jensen
Revised quality system
The accreditation of universities in Denmark relies on approval of the university’s quality assurance system for its educational programmes. AAU was accredited in 2018 and is going to be re-accredited in 2024.
In preparing for the 2024 accreditation process, AAU is revising its Quality Assurance System.
The new Quality System is going to be launched later this year.
Did you just see a new face on campus?
Then there is a good chance it was one of you new colleagues. They are eager to say hi. You can click and find a small portrait on each new colleague below.
Amir Laadhar
Postdoctoral Researcher in DW
Andre Lamurias
Postdoctoral Researcher in DW
Jens Erik Pedersen
Stine Larsen
Project manager,
Diversity & Inclusion in TECH
That's a wrap on this edition of CS Connect! Thanks for reading. We appreciate feedback and inputs - so please, tell us what you want to read more of... and less of.
Email your tips and feedback to CS Communication
Department of Computer Science
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K 9220 Aalborg Ø
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